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New Ditto Update: An All-In-One Wireless Presentation Solution for All Your Devices


Ditto Update All-in-One Wireless Presentation Solution

The presentation you’re about to give is a big one. You’ve rehearsed it a hundred times over, crafted a beautiful slideshow and have a demo ready to go on your laptop.

But there’s a problem. You can’t connect to the conference room screen.

The TV won’t accept your screen sharing request and now you’re frantically trying to connect your computer with a cluster of cords and cables. All while the audience shifts in their seats, waiting…

Today we announce a slew of new Ditto updates that will keep your meetings and presentations on track.

Starting today, Ditto brings a wireless, all-in-one presentation solution to the workplace. With screen mirroring support for Android, Windows, macOS, iOS, Chrome OS, Chromecast and Apple TV, everything goes cross-platform.

Subscribe to our blog so you never miss an update.

Everything new in Ditto

Ditto is compatible with the most common devices used today. That means no more worrying about which device can connect where. We’ve got you covered:

Ditto Connect for iOS

Ditto for iOSThe Ditto Connect app for iOS lets you screen mirror your iPhone or iPad to Ditto receivers, such as Windows devices and Apple TV. That means Ditto takes you places AirPlay can’t. Find it here on the App Store.

Ditto Connect for Android

Ditto for AndroidDitto Connect for Android mirrors your screen anywhere your organization uses Ditto. Compatibility issues? Not anymore. Mirror your screen to Ditto receivers such as Apple TV, Chromecast or a Windows device. Find it here on Google Play.

Ditto tvOS Receiver

Ditto for tvOS

The Ditto tvOS Receiver allows an Apple TV 4K or Apple TV HD to wirelessly display Windows, Android, macOS and iOS devices. Just launch the Ditto Receiver app and mirror your device screen in seconds. Find it here on the App Store for Apple TV.

Learn how to set up a Ditto tvOS Receiver.

Ditto Windows Receiver

Ditto Windows Receiver

Turn your Windows device into a Ditto receiver. It’s capable of displaying iOS, Android, macOS, Chrome OS and Windows devices.

  • Screen mirror multiple devices simultaneously
  • Quick receiver deployment
  • Custom branding
  • Multitask on the receiver while mirroring

Learn how to set up a Windows Device as a Ditto Receiver.

Extra compatibility saves you extra cash

Ditto works with a variety of receiver types – devices you already use and love. By working with your existing hardware, Ditto saves you from spending extra on expensive technology used for only one purpose. Wirelessly present to Apple TV, Chromecast, or Windows devices.

We’re excited for these new updates and the problems they solve – making it even easier for you to do your best work.

Don't have Ditto?

New Tech Lets You Screen Mirror Iconic Nokia 3310 Cell Phone - Featured Image
New Tech Lets You Screen Mirror Iconic Nokia 3310 Cell Phone
Ditto Adds Screen Mirroring Receivers, New Sender Apps for iOS and Android - Featured Image
Ditto Adds Screen Mirroring Receivers, New Sender Apps for iOS and Android
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